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My tarot

My name is Crystal and I’m an intuitive and spiritual tarot reader.

I have always been deeply fascinated by Tarot. My first introduction to these 78 magical cards came about when I was a young girl of about 9.

My mother and her best friend were at the kitchen table and they were trying to interpret an elaborate spread.

I was instantly drawn to the colours and the pictures, I’d never seen anything like them.  While I stood there trying to take in all the wonder laid out before me I was interrupted from my trance and banished from the room.

This memory stands out intensely and of course, being forbidden to look at or touch the cards drew them to me even more.


My mother

later told me that my great grandmother read the cards and used to attend fairs and that my grandfather was a palm reader. It was in my blood and things were starting to make sense. 

Years later I embarked on my Tarot journey. I moved to the west coast of Ireland from London with my now husband, to a remote area where I knew nobody.

I was isolated, which suited me perfectly as I was embarking on a journey of healing and self discovery.  It was here I discovered the rugged beauty of the shores of Ireland.

I would walk endlessly along the beaches, battered by time and the elements and stop occasionally to write sigils in the sand. Standing on the most westerly point of Ireland, the wild Atlantic Ocean stretched out before me, humbling me

I felt so connected to the present moment and to the earth and my own existence upon it. Something I never had the opportunity to feel part of during the exhausting demands of my life in London. Slowly, I was healing.

My interest in the cards intensified during this period. I took endless classes, read countless books and joined other like minded online communities.

All of this has culminated in where I am today as an intuitive and spiritual tarot reader.

If you would like to journey through the cards with me, unlocking the power of your subconscious and giving voice to you inner guide then I would love to read for you.  


The journey starts here...

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